Here we can see all the tankobon of the Dragon Ball manga in its Ultimate Edition, published in Spain by the Planeta publishing house. This edition consists of 34 volumes, follows the traditional Japanese reading style, features covers exclusively illustrated by Akira Toriyama for this edition, and includes color pages as they appeared in Japan in their original version.
Dragon Ball Ultimate Edition is the best version you can find in tankobon format of the original Dragon Ball manga. For this edition, Akira Toriyama created special front and back covers, where the evolution of the sensei's experience and style over the years is evident in the way he illustrates his own work.
Here in Spain, the publisher Planeta released two different print runs of the "Ultimate" edition. The first came out in 2006/2007, and the second in 2021. The "controversy" arises mainly because the translations are not the same. The most notable case is that, in 2006 and earlier editions, Goku and Vegeta's Potara fusion was always called Vegetto. However, in the 2021 print run, it is called Vegerot. Among other differences, these changes have sparked debates, with some fans considering one version superior to the other.
Here is the complete list of the 34 volumes that make up the Ultimate Edition of the DB manga. I will leave links to purchase them, but the volumes from the 2006/2007 print run are very hard to find today.
Here are some mangas and books based on the work of Akira Toriyama. If any of them catch your attention, you can access their information and possible purchase directly.