Here we will see all the volumes/tankobon of the Dragon Ball Super manga published in Spain by the Planeta publishing house. This is the official and canonical continuation of the original manga, written and illustrated by the late Toriyama. The series will continue without the sensei, now under the direction of his disciple Toyotaro.
Planeta Cómic, in addition to its magazine format edition, has also released the Dragon Ball Super manga in Tankobon format in Spain, and that's what you will find on this page: the complete list of all the volumes and images of their covers.
In addition to viewing their numbers and covers, you will also find information about their release dates and formats, as well as purchase options in case you're missing any volumes in your collection.
Here is the complete list of all the volumes released by Planeta Cómic in Spain of Dragon Ball Super. All the volumes include links to Amazon or eBay so you can try your luck and purchase them.
Here are some mangas and books based on the work of Akira Toriyama. If any of them catch your attention, you can access their information and possible purchase directly.