"Yellow/Blue Series" Edition | Original Dragon Ball Manga

All the information about the *Dragon Ball* "Yellow/Blue Series" edition in Spain.

Details about this edition, its available formats, volume count, binding, and various curiosities of this collection.

On this page, you will find all the essential information about the Yellow and Blue Series collection of the original Dragon Ball manga. Discover the reason behind their names and division, the available formats, the total number of volumes, all their covers, the release years, and interesting facts about this Spanish edition of DB.

What is the "Yellow Series" and "Blue Series" edition of Dragon Ball?

The "Yellow/Blue Series" edition is the second reprint of the original Dragon Ball manga in Spain, published by Shueisha since 1986. This second Spanish edition is known for correcting errors and enhancing the colors of the covers compared to its first edition, the "White/Red Series." Publisher Planeta released the Yellow/Blue Series between 1997 and 2001.

Comparing Tankōbon and Magazine Formats of the Yellow/Blue Series
Comparing Tankōbon and Magazine Formats of the Yellow/Blue Series

The characteristics of this edition of the DB manga.

This is the 2nd "standard" edition of the Dragon Ball manga released in Spain. Although it is a "normal" edition, it still has unique features:

  • Improvements over the 1st edition: This edition introduces several enhancements compared to the "White/Red" edition:
    • Cover color corrections: All covers have been recolored to match the original colors.
    • Translation error corrections: The translation has been improved and corrected in many aspects compared to the first edition.
  • Two different formats: Just like the White/Red series, the Yellow/Blue series followed the same strategy, releasing the collection in both Tankobon and Magazine formats.
    • Tankobon: 42 volumes, just like the Japanese edition. In Spain, this format was known as the "Yellow Series."
    • Magazine: 211 issues, mimicking the magazine format used in Japan. It even included a reader mail section and contests. This format was divided into two series: Yellow and Blue, both sold simultaneously. More details on this can be found below.
  • Out-of-print collection: This edition, in both formats, is now only available through the second-hand market, as it was printed between 1997 and 2001.

Facts and curiosities about the 2nd Edition of DB published by Planeta.

Now let's look at some specific facts and curiosities about this second edition of the manga published in Spain.

Printing Specifications of the Volumes:

  • Reading Direction: Western.
  • Cover: Softcover.
  • Formats: Tankobon and magazine.
  • Binding: Stapled (Magazine) and Paperback (Tankobon).
  • Number of Pages:
    • Yellow Series Magazine: ~32 pages.
    • Blue Series Magazine: ~48 pages.
    • Tankobon: ~200 pages.
  • Number of Volumes:
    • Magazine: 211.
    • Tankobon: 42.

The Magazine Format "Yellow and Blue Series"

Since it was the second edition, Planeta decided to do it differently but chose to mimic the presentation style of the magazine format from the first edition.

The "Yellow Series" includes the first 153 issues of the manga, while the "Blue Series" spans from issue 154 to the last, 211 (58 in total). Additionally, the issues in the blue series contain more pages.

This approach was taken to maintain continuity with the first edition, allowing collectors to complete the missing issues in their White and Red series, as they can be considered compatible. Another reason for this decision is that both series were sold simultaneously, which boosted sales, and the blue series had its own numbering.

If you want this edition of the manga in magazine format, you will need to acquire both series.

Comparing the covers of the Yellow/Blue Series with the White/Red Series.
Comparing the covers of the Yellow/Blue Series with the White/Red Series.

The Binding of the Blue Series

Although this series surpasses its predecessor, the Red Series, in many aspects, it is worth mentioning that its binding experienced a downgrade, as the Red Series featured paperback binding, while this one uses staples.

Titles for Each Volume of the Tankobon

This is also something that the first edition did not include, but for the Yellow Series Tankobon, Planeta Cómic added titles to each number, giving us something original.

Backward Compatibility with the First Edition

As mentioned before, it's important to highlight that this edition, in both formats, is fully compatible with the White and Red editions. This means you can complete your manga collection by having numbers 1, 3, 5... from the White Series and 2, 4, 6... from the Yellow Series.

Magazine Format | The complete list or checklist with the 111 issues of the Yellow and Blue Series of Dragon Ball, featuring illustrations of the covers

Here is the complete list or checklist of this edition of DB, including illustrations of all the covers, their numbers, and their original release year in Spain. Additionally, all issues have links to stores where you can check availability and compare prices.

Showing results 166 to 170 of 211
  • Dragon Ball
    Serie Amarilla
  • Dragon Ball
    Serie Amarilla
  • Dragon Ball
    Serie Amarilla
  • Dragon Ball
    Serie Amarilla
  • Dragon Ball
    Serie Amarilla
Showing results 166 to 170 of 211

Tankobon Format | The complete list or checklist with the 42 volumes of the Yellow Series of Dragon Ball, featuring illustrations of the covers.

Here is the complete list or checklist of the tankobon format of this edition of DB, including illustrations of all the covers, their numbers, and their original release year in Spain. Additionally, all volumes have links to stores where you can check availability and compare prices.

Are you looking for information about another edition of the original manga?

Some individual issues from the other collections and formats of the original DB.

This is a sample of some covers from the different issues or volumes of the other 4 collections published in Spain of this manga.

The other paper collections from the Dragon Ball universe.

In addition to detailed information about the manga, its collections, and formats of the original Dragon Ball manga, you can also find information about the Super manga and other official works based on DB.
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