Here you will find all the information you need if you wish to acquire the "Legend Edition" collection of the original Dragon Ball manga. This includes details about the exclusive release for the franchise's anniversary, the number of volumes, the type of format, the covers, and much more. Additionally, you'll discover interesting facts and details about the Spanish edition published by Planeta Cómic.
La edición "Legend" del manga de Dragon Ball es una edición especial para coleccionistas, lanzada para conmemorar el 30 aniversario de la franquicia en Japón en 2016/2017 por Shueisha. En España, fue publicada en 2024/2025 por Planeta Cómic para celebrar el 40º aniversario. Su característica principal es que imita el formato original de la revista Weekly Shonen Jump.
This is an exclusive edition aimed at collectors of the original Dragon Ball manga, which possesses unique characteristics that distinguish it from other editions or collections:
Magazine format: This is one of the main features of this edition, as it uses the same size (B5) format in which it was originally read in the Japanese Weekly Shonen Jump magazine.
Exclusive content: All volumes in this collection include additional information about the manga and the world surrounding Dragon Ball, along with profiles of locations, vehicles, and characters. You can also find posters that were originally included with the weekly magazine, as well as comments and giveaways that were featured at the time.
Color pages: Similar to the "Ultimate" edition, and since this edition mimics the original version released in the WSJ, it includes those pages colored by Toriyama, both in full color and in bicolor tones.
Grouping of volumes by story arcs: A special feature of this edition is that each volume is self-contained within its respective story arc, making it the collection with the fewest volumes.
New covers: Covers that have never been seen in any other DB collection, but are adaptations of some of the covers from the Weekly Shonen Jump.
In conclusion, this edition aims to revive the same reading experience that Japanese readers had starting in 1985 in their weekly manga magazine, complete with contests, covers, and giveaways; a gem for fans of Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball.
Let’s now look at precise data and curiosities about this exclusive edition of the Dragon Ball manga, released in Spain by Planeta Cómic. While it doesn't have many differences, there are some compared to the Japanese edition.
In Japan, all these volumes were sold individually, but Planeta Cómic brings them to us in 3 indivisible parts, with 6 volumes in each. The first pack covers the entire story of Kid Goku, the second concludes with the Namek saga, and the third goes up to the end of the manga. These boxes are made of sturdy cardboard with unique decorations for each one, allowing you to preserve this collection in better condition.
Yes, exactly! Planeta Cómic has made significant improvements with the Dragon Ball Legend Edition, ensuring a translation that is much more in line with the original Japanese text. By avoiding the previous missteps—such as redundant technique names and unnecessary alterations to character names and kanji—they have managed to satisfy long-time fans who demand accuracy and faithfulness to Akira Toriyama's work.
This edition is now regarded by many as the best Spanish translation of Dragon Ball in Spain, setting a new standard for future releases.
Here is a complete list or checklist, with illustrations of all the covers, their numbers, and their original release year in Spain. Additionally, all volumes have links to stores where you can check availability and compare prices.
This is a sample of some covers from the different issues or volumes of the other 4 collections published in Spain of this manga.