This page contains all the necessary information to collect the "Color Edition" of the original Dragon Ball manga. Details about its format and printing, number of volumes and how they are divided, release years, all covers, along with more details and curiosities about the Spanish edition brought by the publisher Planeta.
The "Color Edition" of the Dragon Ball manga, as its name suggests, is the "Colored" version of the original DB drawn by Toriyama. It was published in Japan by Shueisha in digital format in 2012 and later in physical format in 2013, arriving in Spain in 2014 through the publisher Planeta.
This is a special edition that comes after the "Ultimate" edition, so it also has a series of unique features that we detail here:
Here we provide some facts and curiosities about this edition of the Dragon Ball manga released by Planeta in Spain, which has some differences from the Japanese edition.
As previously mentioned, this collection features fewer volumes, structured to follow the story arcs more cohesively. The sagas are divided as follows:
As mentioned in the specifications, the Spanish edition was published in Tankobon format, whereas the Japanese edition was released in a larger format (Kanzenban), allowing for better appreciation of the colors and artwork.
This detail, although merely a curiosity, is interesting for collectors. Currently, with the entire collection for sale, it can be noted that due to the greater popularity of Dragon Ball Z compared to Goku's more childlike phase, the arcs of DBZ were published first, leaving the volumes corresponding to the protagonist's childhood for last.
Here is a complete list or checklist, featuring illustrations of all the covers, the corresponding part or saga, their numbers (both total and within the saga), and their original release year in Spain. Additionally, it includes a filter to view only the volumes from a specific saga, and all volumes have links to stores where you can check availability and compare prices.
This is a sample of some covers from the different issues or volumes of the other 4 collections published in Spain of this manga.