This first Dragon Ball compendium, brought to us by Planeta Cómic in 2014, combines the Japanese Daizenshuu 2 and Daizenshuu 4. With over 350 pages of information on DB and DBZ, it includes some illustrations and interviews with Akira Toriyama.
The 2nd and 3rd compendiums provide a journey through all the animated adaptations of Dragon Ball from 1986 to the end of DBGT. The fourth compendium expands the entire Dragon World in many aspects, with more guides, power levels, attacks, locations, and more. However, be cautious with the 2018 edition, as it contains errors. It's better to buy the 2021 edition, which has been corrected (though it still has some mistakes).
Here is a small complete list of the 4 Dragon Ball compendiums published in Spain by Planeta Cómics during the years 2014/2021.
Here are some mangas and books based on the work of Akira Toriyama. If any of them catch your attention, you can access their information and possible purchase directly.