Banpresto, Tamashii, and Bandai are some of the brands, manufacturers, and distributors of Dragon Ball figures. These companies offer different collection lines in various styles, such as Banpresto's Grandista, Tamashii's Figuarts, or Funko Pop.
In this section, you'll find checklist information for 4 of the most successful figure collections: S.H. Figuarts, Dragon Stars, Limit Breaker, and Funko Pop!.
This section of the portal aims to compile information about all officially published Dragon Ball mangas and books in Spain. We can classify them into three groups: "Dragon Ball Super," "Dragon Ball Original," and "Others." Each group includes different formats, editions, and additional information.
Within the world of game and video game collecting, Dragon Ball holds a special place among collectors. Finding games for recent platforms like Xbox, PC, or PlayStation is relatively easy, but here we’ve compiled lists featuring games for discontinued platforms and out-of-print titles, offering fascinating details and insights.
Con total transparencia: la mayor parte de los enlaces de nuestro sitio web son enlaces de afiliados, si los usa para realizar una compra, ganaremos una comisión sin coste extra para tí (¡ninguno en absoluto!).
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